One man lives his life like a lurking spider,
another one hurries like a swallow in pursuit of their daily matters,
yet another struggles through their life like a bear through a thicket.

Be like a cat – he has acquired all arts of life,
he can lurk and chase nimbly,
and, unlike a bear, he can creep in everywhere silently.

Look at the way a cat walks, sleeps and hunts – and live your life in the same way

Each man finally reaches the way which will guide him through his life.
Wisemen point to different ways and different circumstances
and conditions that we can come across on these ways.
Some people are misled by twisted paths which lead to nowhere,

others dislike wide and paved roads which are followed by the crowds
and yet others love short cuts above all.
Sometimes one makes a choice regardless of whether he will manage it or not
and despite being aware of the fact that the way will lead the wanderer
through narrow moutain trails over precipices.

To be prepared for an individual travel it is good
to train your spirit and body and choose a Master for yourself.
A CAT can be such a Master.

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